This post was authored by Peter Cerda, Data Curation Specialist for Workflows and Big Data at the University of Michigan.

It is hard to believe that my first DCN All Hands was over two months ago! As a new curator and member of the DCN, I had been counting down the days till I could attend this highly regarded event! I was excited to visit the beautiful campus, walk through the Duke Gardens on the way back to the hotel, visit K-Ville, and have good BBQ again. First off, I have to thank our colleagues at Duke for being amazing hosts to all of us and the program committee for keeping us busy for a week! 

When the program was announced, I knew I could not pass up the opportunity to attend the CURATE(D) workshop hosted by Mikala and Sophia. I was encouraged to watch a recording of the workshop when I first started my role at the University of Michigan, but being able to be in the same room and have thoughtful conversations with other curators was invaluable. Similarly, I had an enlightening experience discussing what it is like to be new to the data curation world with other early career curators. We were able to share struggles and triumphs as we all adjust to the new roles we’ve found ourselves in. 

The biggest theme I walked away with from this year’s All Hands meeting was “Community”. It was great to see so many folks from across the country come together like old friends and be welcomed with open arms. I am counting down the days till the next All Hands meeting I can attend!

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