Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-9: FGFR2-C342Y/+ and FGFR2+/+ Treated with/without Tissue Nonspecific AlkalinePhosphatase (TNAP)...DCN-14: Two- and Three-Dimensional Representations...DCN-17: Lithic Collection from the Early Upper Paleolithic Site...DCN-48: Palaeobiogeography and evolutionary patterns...DCN-79: Myelin Water Fraction Estimation...DCN-83: Micro CT Scans of Mouse BrainsDCN-84: Multi‑Step Crystallization of Self‑Organized Spiral EutecticsDCN-129: Formation of a three-phase spiral structure...DCN-171: CT Data of the partial cranium...DCN-182: 3D Printed Deformable Sensors...DCN-187: Changes in crater morphology...DCN-210: Work on LaCoO3 using VASPDCN-223: Automatic Annotation of Hip Anatomy...DCN-243: ALOS-2 SAR...DCN-288: Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN...DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...DCN-437: Raw Data for Mechanical Damage...