We are the Data Curation Network

As professional data curators, data management experts, data repository administrators, disciplinary scientists and scholars we represent academic institutions and non-profit data repositories that steward research data for future use.

What we do

We strive to build a trusted community-led network of curators advancing open research by making data more ethical, reusable, and understandable.

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Our Values

Open.  We share data curation techniques that are practical, transparent and available to all.

Trusted. We add value to data while maintaining data integrity and upholding the ethical responsibilities of data sharing.

Inclusive. We foster an accessible and welcoming environment to equitably support all participants.

CollaborativeWe build an innovative community of practice for data curation.

Empowering. We advocate for data professionals by providing a pipeline for training data curators, promoting data curation practices and enriching capacities for data curation writ large.

Recent blog posts

Data Discovery and Reuse Workshop

July 26, 2024

This post was authored by Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and Joel Herndon, Duke University. As data curators, we spend much of our time and energy preparing research data for publication. While there are many reasons for curating research data, one is the potential for reuse. Data deposits of growing complexity and…

All Hands 2024: Perspective of a Newbie

July 23, 2024

This post was authored by Peter Cerda, Data Curation Specialist for Workflows and Big Data at the University of Michigan. It is hard to believe that my first DCN All Hands was over two months ago! As a new curator and member of the DCN, I had been counting down the days till I could…

All Hands 2024: How we’ve grown since 2018

July 11, 2024

This post was authored by Jen Darragh, Senior Research Data Management Consultant at Duke University. It’s hard to believe it’s already July (seriously if someone could tell me where May and June went I’d love to hear it), and I promised I would write a reflection on what planning and hosting the 7th DCN All…

Three areas of needed research discovered at AHM ‘24

June 27, 2024

This post was authored by Brandie Pullen, Resident Librarian – Data Curation at Virginia Tech and Curator at Large, July 2023-June 2025. This year’s Data Curation Network’s All Hands Meeting was held at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. As someone with chronic illnesses and disabilities, I didn’t know if I’d be able to make…

The Data Curation Network is hosted by the University of Minnesota Libraries.