The implementation phase of the DCN was presented at the international meeting of research data stakeholders at the 11th plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Berlin Germany March 21-23, 2018.
See our beautiful poster!
The implementation phase of the DCN was presented at the international meeting of research data stakeholders at the 11th plenary of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Berlin Germany March 21-23, 2018.
See our beautiful poster!
The 2020 Research Data and Preservation (RDAP) Summit took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 11-13. DCN project coordinator Liza Coburn and project manager for the IMLS-sponsored specialized data curation workshops Hannah Hadley were both present this year along with many other DCN project members. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic COVID-19 and at…
DCN team members Mara Blake (Johns Hopkins University) and Lisa Johnston (University of Minnesota) presented at this week’s National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) conference in Washington DC. This event bring together grants administrators and funding bodies to discuss the challenges and best practices for the field. We were invited to present on “data…
A guest post by DCN member Wanda Marsolek who warns, “For those of you who are looking for a recap like Roxane Gay’s Outlander recaps in Wired magazine, you’re in the wrong place.“ The Research Data Alliance (RDA) held their 18th Plenary in early November over a week’s span or four days (no Fridays, weekends,…
Guest post by DCN member Sarah Wright a Research Data & Life Sciences Librarian at Cornell University. I attended the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 18th Plenary Session held Nov. 3, 2021, and went to a session focused on communities of practice (CoPs) around data challenges. Panelists included representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Community for…
Following our conversations around digital preservation through a “peer compare” format, Hoa Luong, Jon Petters, and I submitted a paper to iPRES 2022. We were elated when the paper was accepted, both to have the chance to discuss our work in Glasgow, but also to represent the DCN on this international level. As we were…
Lots of exciting talks, posters, and keynotes at the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) 2020 this week in Dublin…and the DCN was well represented! Curators Share their Research Susan Borda presented her work with the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology on storing and sharing vertebrate data. Slides at Dave Fearon presented services developed…