January was a busy month – here’s why!

Remember 2019? This was our first year of piloting our collaborative data curation service in the Data Curation Network. Our 10 partner institutions submitted 74 datasets from their overall deposits that year (see below) to be matched with a data curator with domain and software expertise. And 95% of these datasets were successfully matched to…

Academic ARL institutions have published 24,178 datasets…

Back in 2017, several members of the Data Curation Network participated in the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Data Curation Spec Kit, a survey asking the 124 ARL institutions across the United States and Canada to self-assess their data repository and curation services.  Three years later, institutional support for data sharing is as relevant as ever. For…

Dataset Digest for the Week of January 6 – 10

DCN-75: “Terrestrial land-cover type richness is positively linked to landscape-level functioning”, a GIS/geospatial ecology and evolutionary biology dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Elizabeth Hull on behalf of Dryad, and curated by Melinda Kernik. This dataset was of good quality initially, but Melinda had several recommendations for the data author, including: adding citations for…

Dryad is Hiring!

Dryad just posted an announcement seeking curation help: https://blog.datadryad.org/jobs/. According to Associate Director Elizabeth Hull: “The opportunity is fully remote and offers flexible scheduling. We’re open to part-time and full-time, and will consider applications from current grad students. It’s an exciting time to join Dryad. We recently launched a new platform and are looking forward to…

Dataset Digest for the Week of December 16 – 20

DCN-69: “‘Data for ‘Robust, accurate, and efficient: quantum embedding using the Huzinaga level-shift projection operator for complex systems’”, a chemistry simulation dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Valerie Collins and curated by Xuying Xin. This was a high quality dataset, and Xuying’s only recommendations were to make small changes to the documentation and to…

Get to know DCN Curator Alicia Hofelich Mohr!

Alicia Hofelich Mohr is the Research Support Coordinator for Liberal Arts Technologies and Innovation Services (LATIS) at the University of Minnesota. Alicia was interviewed by Sophia Lafferty-Hess in September, 2019. How did you come to your current position? I came to this position in a roundabout way, like a few other curators. I was in…

Dataset Digest for the Week of December 9 – 13

DCN-66: “Geometries for Minnesota Database 2019”, a chemistry database, was submitted to the DCN by Valerie Collins and curated by Xuying Xin. This was a high quality dataset. Xuying’s recommendations included converting files to a more accessible format, updating the dataset’s documentation to include variable definitions and reconciling or explaining the differences in file names…

Dataset Digest for the Week of December 2 – 6

DCN-41: “Data from: Eulerian videography technology improves classification of sleep architecture in primates”, an ecology video dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Erin Clary and curated by Jennifer Darragh. This was a high quality dataset and Jen’s only recommendation was that the author consider transforming to a more preservation-friendly format. The author did not follow…

Get to know DCN Curator Sophia Lafferty-Hess!

Sophia Lafferty-Hess is a Senior Research Data Management Consultant at Duke University. Sophia was interviewed by Seth Erickson in August, 2019. How did you come to your current position? I got involved in data curation and data management during graduate school at UNC. I did an internship at the Odum Institute for Research in Social…