DCN-281: Wigner-Seitz Cell generation…
Dataset citation “Wigner-Seitz Cell generation and calculations in MATLAB” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/5bdw-8r09.
Run and validate computer code (e.g., look for missing files and/or errors) in order to find mistakes overlooked in the initial development phase, improving the overall quality of software.
Dataset citation “Wigner-Seitz Cell generation and calculations in MATLAB” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/5bdw-8r09.
Dataset citation “1D SAXS indexing macro for Igor Pro” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/9m8p-pv93.
Dataset citation “Data from: How large is the design space for stratospheric aerosol geoengineering?” available from Cornell eCommons at https://doi.org/10.7298/f1e4-sq40.
Dataset citation “Data from: Therapeutic frequency profile of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation is shaped by antidromic spike failure” available from Duke Research Data Repository at https://doi.org/10.7924/r41n85692.
Dataset citation “Data from: Estimating agronomically relevant symbiotic N fixation in green manure breeding programs” available from Cornell eCommons at https://doi.org/10.7298/vrd4-4k23.
Dataset citation “A bedform tracking tool coupled with Fast Fourier Transform decomposition” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/e1fe-sb56.
Dataset citation “Model file for Ishikawa et al. “Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares Using Deep-Learning Methods” in Sol. Phys. (2021)” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/wtbm-2258.
Dataset citation “Data from: High-speed motility originates from cooperatively pushing and pulling flagella bundles in bilophotrichous bacteria” available from Dryad at https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.r2nd550.
Dataset citation “Materials to re-create results of Austin et al Zooplankton Migration paper” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/eqra-hp74.
Dataset citation “Cuticular and Glandular Chemistry of Megalopta genalis” available from Cornell eCommons at https://doi.org/10.7298/9qym-kw90.