DCN-462: Observation of a magneto-chiral…
Dataset citation “Observation of a magneto-chiral instability in photoexcited tellurium” available from the Illinois Data Bank at https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-1409842_V1.
A written record of any changes made to the data during the curation process and by whom. File is often preserved as part of the overall record.
Dataset citation “Observation of a magneto-chiral instability in photoexcited tellurium” available from the Illinois Data Bank at https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-1409842_V1.
Dataset citation “The Molecular Mechanisms of Organic Acid Biosynthesis in Carabidae” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/d8eeae73-57a6-4095-94dd-d504c1cdb92c.
Dataset citation “Data and scripts for Modeling Lake Bonneville Paleoshoreline Erosion at Mars-Like Rates and Durations: Implications for the Preservation of Martian Shorelines and Viability as Evidence for a Martian Ocean” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/y6t8-ky13.
Dataset citation “Key to World Tribes Cynipidae, 2024” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/s8dt-f586.
Dataset citation “novoStoic2.0: An integrated framework for pathway synthesis, thermodynamic evaluation, and enzyme selection.” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/fxd2-se27.
Dataset citation “GR-Athena++ Catalog” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/610744ac-80b9-4689-8119-320dfd2e2b9a.
Dataset citation “Data sets for “A broad survey of choanoflagellates revises the evolutionary history of the Shaker family of voltage-gated K+ channels in animals”” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/4zct-nc59.
Dataset citation “Data for: Arthropod interactions with Xyris flowers discovered through community photography.” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/9f5m-4t39.
Dataset citation “Raw Data for Mechanical Damage to Spinal Cord Tissue from Decompression Bubble Expansion” available from Deep Blue Data at https://doi.org/10.7302/v3qr-nb70.
Dataset citation “AFM raw and EOP simulation data ,” available from Princeton Data Commons Discovery at https://doi.org/10.34770/ymvr-mg79.