DCN-357: Data associated with: The Maryland…
Dataset citation “Data associated with: The Maryland Food System Map.” available from Johns Hopkins University Data Archive at https://doi.org/10.7281/T1/QUDBC6.
Information about a data set that is structured (often in machine-readable format) for purposes of search and retrieval. Metadata elements may include basic information (e.g. title, author, date created, etc.) and/or specific elements inherent to datasets (e.g., spatial coverage, time periods).
Dataset citation “Data associated with: The Maryland Food System Map.” available from Johns Hopkins University Data Archive at https://doi.org/10.7281/T1/QUDBC6.
Dataset citation “Effects of Fruitless on Acoustic Duetting in Drosophila Virilis ” available from Princeton University at https://doi.org/10.34770/me8y-8k48
Dataset citation “Datasets to simulate data-driven models for filling the temporal gaps in the low-frequency nitrate data” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/87a4a79a-c850-4acf-8c2c-77753bc1dd0d
Dataset citation “MLP neural network trained on the QCL [-2, +3] Å dataset” available from Princeton University at https://doi.org/10.34770/e034-4670
Dataset citation “Quantum cascade laser transition code” available from Princeton University at https://doi.org/10.34770/z3r2-hg07
Dataset citation “Methods-2023 Lysine Pulse Programs – pulse programs and parameter sets for acquisition of the NMR data described in this paper” available from Penn State Scholarsphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/6be26730-4aa8-4c3f-b2bb-cc7ea25ed0ed
Dataset citation “Machine-learning Approach to Detecting and Analyzing Meteor Echoes (MADAME)” available from Penn State Scholarsphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/d3ae6356-4c9b-48b0-9159-4a1361026d37
Dataset citation “Data for “Gaming self-consistent field theory: Generative block polymer phase discovery”” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/qv23-pp07
Dataset citation “Data for Grain Growth in Olivine + Ferropericlase Rocks Deformed to High Strains” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/ej3r-m032
Dataset citation “Dataset: Ocean-bottom P and S arrival waveform dataset from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment, 2018-19″ available from Cornell University at https://doi.org/10.7298/01da-ka24