Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-11: Fine scale spatial variability...DCN-21: Dependence of Atmospheric Transport into the Arctic...DCN-23: Frequent pattern subject transactions...DCN-34: Seismograms of earthquake pairs...DCN-39: In vitro evolution...DCN-44: Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Scaling...DCN-64/65: SNP data of 556 isolates...DCN-87: Membrane molecular crowding enhances MreB polymerization...DCN-89: Variation in host home range size...DCN-110: UAV-based hyperspectral dataset...DCN-120: Evaluation of the mycobiome of ballast water...DCN-121: Simulations of planetary-scale collisions...DCN-131: Anthophilous hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae)...DCN-153: Meta gene regulatory networks in maize...DCN-172: Fortran code for modeling the propagation of ULF waves...DCN-180: 16S RNA data for biofilm...DCN-184: Compositional Measurements of Saturn’s Upper Atmosphere...DCN-220: Mutually exclusive dendritic arbors...DCN-226: Winter Roost Selection...DCN-244: Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares...DCN-277: Neural Basis of Acoustic Species...DCN-311: Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa...DCN-326: Dynamic evolution of the mTHF gene ....DCN-335: Human Challenge study...DCN-384: Paired microtubules growing...DCN-386: Double Slit and Talbot...DCN-387: Double-Slit Ma...DCN-428: Data set for the paper "Solar Flare Effects..."DCN-445: Data for: Arthropod interactions...DCN-468: Data for Detection of Exchangeable Protons in NMR...