Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-7: Continuous Forest Inventory (1959-2014)...DCN-24: Harbour porpoise responses...DCN-42: Primary blast wave protection...DCN-51: Individual-Based-Model...DCN-64/65: SNP data of 556 isolates...DCN-93: Constraining invader dominance...DCN-127: Patterns of mosquito and arbovirus community composition...DCN-150: Understanding American premium chocolate...DCN-207: Ammonia volatilization from composting...DCN-234: Impact of wet-dry cycling...DCN-255: Estimating agronomically relevant symbiotic...DCN-272: Abundant and persistent sulfide-oxidizing...DCN-305: Hudson River Project Website...DCN-314: Interspecific Interactions between Sympatric ApesDCN-374: Data from: Liming and spring salamander...DCN-452: Fluid infiltration in dry rock...DCN-454: GR-Athena++...