Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-4: RV Atlantis Ship DataDCN-13: Epidynamics: Navigating the map...DCN-25: In vivo pump-probe...DCN-28: Scaled Hydrokinetic Turbine Array...DCN-55: Retinotopic-like maps of spatial sound...DCN-70: Perturbative Sit-to-Stand Experiment...DCN-90: Actor feedback and rigorous monitoring...DCN-96: Area 2 of primary somatosensory cortex...DCN-100: Ultrasound-derived changes in thickness...DCN-113: Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability...DCN-116: Attacks on genetic privacy...DCN-133: Asymmetry in kinematic generalization between visual and passive lead-in movements...DCN-143: Sound Localization Data of 29 Participants in Bicycle Alarm Development Study...DCN-151: Territoriality drives preemptive habitat selection in recovering wolves...DCN-191: Trained models for Multilingual Joint Fine-tuning...DCN-198: Variation in carotenoid-containing retinal oil droplets ...DCN-214: Land suitability analysis tools...DCN-219: Egress Behavior from Select...DCN-230: Materials to re-create results of Austin et al...DCN-242: Ring-tailed lemurs...DCN-253: Quantification of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data...DCN-257: Evidence-Based Message Strategies to Increase Public Support...DCN-264: Temperate and chronic virus...DCN-268: Therapeutic frequency profile...DCN-287: Estuaries as filters for riverine...DCN-290: Terrestrial gastropod collection ...DCN-293: Time-lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images...DCN-295: Code for "Phage-antibiotic synergy..."DCN-296: Data and analysis code for "Capturing High Resolution Plant Movement...."DCN-315: Improved PUFA...DCN-318: Data for: Neuromuscular embodiment of feedback...DCN-320: Effects of spatial diffusion on nonequilibrium steady states ...DCN-394: Data from: Current-induced switching of thin film...DCN-402: Model and data for "Landforms associated with ..."DCN-418: Single-molecule tracking reveals dual...DCN-437: Raw Data for Mechanical Damage...DCN-449: AFM raw and EOP...DCN-455: Biplane microscopy data of bacterial...