Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-341: Room-Temperature Valence Transition...DCN-344: Numerical Model for the propagation...DCN-349: Supporting data for Regiospecific and Linear...DCN-353: Dataset: Ocean-bottom P and S arrival waveform...DCN-365: Optimizing Fitness-For-Use of Differentially...DCN-370: Proving Differential Privacy...DCN-378: Code for: The effect of edifice slope, detachment fault...DCN-383: Data for "Gaming self-consistent field..."DCN-391: Effects of Fruitless on Acoustic...DCN-398: Quantum cascade laser...DCN-403: Data for "Relationships between..."DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...DCN-429: CFD-AB fish swimming...DCN-434: Publicly available repository for "Cavity..."DCN-456: Data and scripts for Modeling Lake Bonneville...DCN-467: Data and scripts from: An abundant non-native freshwater....DCN-469: "DATA: Development, characterization, and curve fitting of rate..."