Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-2: Estimating densities of zebra mussels...DCN-6: TreeMerge: A new method...DCN-8: Territorial landscapes: incorporating density-dependence...DCN-13: Epidynamics: Navigating the map...DCN-15: Interactive software code...DCN-22: Simulating precusor steps for fibril formation…DCN-24: Harbour porpoise responses...DCN-26: Anomalous Spin-Orbit Torques...DCN-27: Influence of charge sequence...DCN-30: SAM Filtering Pipeline (SFP)...DCN-35: SNP Genotyping Data...DCN-38: Simulations corroborate telegraph model...DCN-44: Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Scaling...DCN-49: Silver-ableC...DCN-51: Individual-Based-Model...DCN-52: Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning...DCN-55: Retinotopic-like maps of spatial sound...DCN-56: Extension distribution for DNA...DCN-59: Verasonics Processing TestDCN-60: Higher-order interaction between species...DCN-61: Polynomial-Time Statistical Estimation...DCN-63: The Church, intensive kinship, and global psychological variationDCN-64/65: SNP data of 556 isolates...DCN-68: CFD-AB User Manual...DCN-70: Perturbative Sit-to-Stand Experiment...DCN-78: Earth's Synchrotron Emission from Radiation BeltsDCN-79: Myelin Water Fraction Estimation...DCN-89: Variation in host home range size...DCN-90: Actor feedback and rigorous monitoring...DCN-93: Constraining invader dominance...DCN-95: Test instances of Markov decision processes with multiple modelsDCN-96: Area 2 of primary somatosensory cortex...DCN-98: Origin and role of the cerebrospinal fluid bidirectional flow...DCN-110: UAV-based hyperspectral dataset...DCN-113: Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability...DCN-119: Tlajinga District Teotihuacan Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Statistical TestsDCN-123: High-speed motility originates...DCN-128: Supporting data for Mobilization of antibiotic resistance...DCN-131: Anthophilous hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae)...DCN-133: Asymmetry in kinematic generalization between visual and passive lead-in movements...DCN-134: Monthly water balance estimates...DCN-146: R Code and Output Supporting: Resampling-Based Methods for BiologistsDCN-151: Territoriality drives preemptive habitat selection in recovering wolves...DCN-152: Oxyfuel ion currents...DCN-156: High-Resolution Analog of Time-Domain Phonon Spectroscopy...DCN-159: A Review of Literature Published in EMIP from 2005-2019DCN-161: Pilgrim 2020.1DCN-164: Tree-planting programs in Himachal Pradesh IndiaDCN-167: Dynactin p150 promotes processive motility...DCN-172: Fortran code for modeling the propagation of ULF waves...DCN-175: Using particle tracking to understand flow paths...DCN-182: 3D Printed Deformable Sensors...DCN-183: Trigger warnings as an interpersonal...DCN-188: Acceleration and strain data...DCN-193: Origins of the suppression of fibril formation...DCN-194: Floral resource diversity...DCN-195: Maximum carbon assimilation model...DCN-196: Improvement of Plasma Sheet Neural Network...DCN-198: Variation in carotenoid-containing retinal oil droplets ...DCN-206: A Bounding Box Labeled Dataset of Underwater TrashDCN-214: Land suitability analysis tools...DCN-215: UofM pouch cell voltage...DCN-217: A semi-automated method for estimating Adelie penguin colony abundance...DCN-218: Cuticular and Glandular Chemistry...DCN-222: A Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty...DCN-223: Automatic Annotation of Hip Anatomy...DCN-230: Materials to re-create results of Austin et al...DCN-237: Radial integrator codeDCN-246: Bedform tracking tool...DCN-251: Data for: An Examination of Data Reuse Practices...DCN-252: Data from Virtualized Hardware...DCN-254: Scopus API Scripts...DCN-255: Estimating agronomically relevant symbiotic...DCN-256: Seq-Scope processed datasets for liver and colon...DCN-257: Evidence-Based Message Strategies to Increase Public Support...DCN-260: Single-molecule microscopy image data and analysis...DCN-261: Gonzalez 2021 tagged CO model archiveDCN-264: Temperate and chronic virus...DCN-268: Therapeutic frequency profile...DCN-269: Simulation data for Adsorption...DCN-270: Dataset for "Safety and data quality..."DCN-271: Framework for selecting seeding rates for cover crop...DCN-274: Code Updates of GEOS-Chem...DCN-277: Neural Basis of Acoustic Species...DCN-280: 1D SAXS indexing macro...DCN-281: Wigner-Seitz Cell generation...DCN-284: Data from: An in silico-in vitro pipeline...DCN-287: Estuaries as filters for riverine...DCN-292: A climate-driven epidemiological model...DCN-295: Code for "Phage-antibiotic synergy..."DCN-296: Data and analysis code for "Capturing High Resolution Plant Movement...."DCN-297: Mechanisms of punctuated vision...DCN-279: Data associated with publication: CGPart...DCN-298: Data and MATLAB Code for Standardized...DCN-312: A novel machine learning method for accelerated...DCN-318: Data for: Neuromuscular embodiment of feedback...DCN-319: Data and scripts accompanying: Localized orbital scaling...DCN-320: Effects of spatial diffusion on nonequilibrium steady states ...DCN-322: Data for Mining the manifolds...DCN-331: Code and Data: Agent-Based Model...DCN-334: Data and code from: Deeper habitats and cooler temperatures...DCN-337: Flies trade off stability...DCN-338: Single-cell and Subcellular Analysis...DCN-343: Data from: Aedes albopictus...DCN-344: Numerical Model for the propagation...DCN-348: Reflectance spectra and related water...DCN-355: Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on...DCN-356: Machine-learning Approach to Detecting...DCN-365: Optimizing Fitness-For-Use of Differentially...DCN-366: LightDP: Towards Automating...DCN-367: Differentially Private Hierarchical ...DCN-368: Answering Private Linear Queries ...DCN-369: DPGen: Automated Program...DCN-370: Proving Differential Privacy...DCN-371: CheckDP: An Automated and Integrated Approach...DCN-372: Free Gap Information from the Differentially...DCN-373: StatDP: Detecting Violations...DCN-374: Data from: Liming and spring salamander...DCN-378: Code for: The effect of edifice slope, detachment fault...DCN-389: Mechanics of the foot and ankle joints...DCN-391: Effects of Fruitless on Acoustic...DCN-394: Data from: Current-induced switching of thin film...DCN-396: Prevalence of Bias against Neurodivergence-Related...DCN-397: MLP neural network trained on...DCN-398: Quantum cascade laser...DCN-401: NaChem and WACCM...DCN-402: Model and data for "Landforms associated with ..."DCN-403: Data for "Relationships between..."DCN-404: Model and data for "Crater-wall..."DCN-408: Data and Code for "Modeling Water and Sediment..."DCN-409: The role of landscape factors in bumble bee...DCN-412: Detecting deformation hotspots...DCN-418: Single-molecule tracking reveals dual...DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...DCN-422: Data and script from: Maternal Care Leads...DCN-429: CFD-AB fish swimming...DCN-431: Dataset for 'Artificial neural network for brain-machine...'DCN-434: Publicly available repository for "Cavity..."DCN-437: Raw Data for Mechanical Damage...DCN-438: Nothing-on-Road Bridge...DCN-444: Data and Scripts from: Competitive social feedback...DCN-446: Data for: Satellite Geodesy Uncovers...DCN-455: Biplane microscopy data of bacterial...