Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-3: Microfluidic long DNA sample preparation...DCN-4: RV Atlantis Ship DataDCN-9: FGFR2-C342Y/+ and FGFR2+/+ Treated with/without Tissue Nonspecific AlkalinePhosphatase (TNAP)...DCN-10: APAL Coupling Study 2019DCN-11: Fine scale spatial variability...DCN-12: Digitized fracture network data...DCN-19: Sensory Cues Modulate Smooth Pursuit...DCN-21: Dependence of Atmospheric Transport into the Arctic...DCN-23: Frequent pattern subject transactions...DCN-28: Scaled Hydrokinetic Turbine Array...DCN-29: The dynamics of men’s cooperation...DCN-34: Seismograms of earthquake pairs...DCN-42: Primary blast wave protection...DCN-43: Multi-Gaussian Permeability Fields...DCN-57: Addressing Disparities in Physician Access...DCN-71: Large air pressure changes in a cave in northern TaiwanDCN-72: Ictal quantitative surface electromyography...DCN-73: Bicycling comfort video experimentDCN-87: Membrane molecular crowding enhances MreB polymerization...DCN-89: Variation in host home range size...DCN-91: Teaching lab for large cohorts of undergraduates...DCN-93: Constraining invader dominance...DCN-95: Test instances of Markov decision processes with multiple modelsDCN-96: Area 2 of primary somatosensory cortex...DCN-97: Hydrothermal influence on seawater...DCN-99: Particle image velocimetry measurements...DCN-100: Ultrasound-derived changes in thickness...DCN-101: Crowdsourced Detection of Emotionally Manipulative LanguageDCN-102: Cough reflex sensitivity and urge-to-cough deterioration...DCN-106: Patient burden and clinical advances...DCN-109: Data Sharing Readiness in Academic Institutions...DCN-110: UAV-based hyperspectral dataset...DCN-113: Pedigree-free quantitative genetic approach provides evidence for heritability...DCN-115: Validation of an automated shape-matching algorithm...DCN-118: Energy drinks consumption and perceptions among university students...DCN-119: Tlajinga District Teotihuacan Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Statistical TestsDCN-133: Asymmetry in kinematic generalization between visual and passive lead-in movements...DCN-138: Why we fail: stakeholders' perceptions of the social and ecological barriers to reforestation...DCN-143: Sound Localization Data of 29 Participants in Bicycle Alarm Development Study...DCN-144: Impulse Buying: Designing for Self-Control with E-commerceDCN-145: Amorphization and plasticity of olivine...DCN-146: R Code and Output Supporting: Resampling-Based Methods for BiologistsDCN-147: Performance Summary Display Descriptions...DCN-150: Understanding American premium chocolate...DCN-151: Territoriality drives preemptive habitat selection in recovering wolves...DCN-152: Oxyfuel ion currents...DCN-153: Meta gene regulatory networks in maize...DCN-157: Lower Thwaites Raw ReflectionDCN-160: Body mass and cardiorespiratory fitness...DCN-162: Aircraft Data for Airborne Assessment of Methane Emissions...DCN-164: Tree-planting programs in Himachal Pradesh IndiaDCN-165: Personalized viral genomic investigation...DCN-167: Dynactin p150 promotes processive motility...DCN-177: Enhanced polymer mechanical degradation...DCN-178: Imaging the reduction of uranyl on Fe-bearing minerals...DCN-180: 16S RNA data for biofilm...DCN-183: Trigger warnings as an interpersonal...DCN-188: Acceleration and strain data...DCN-190: Minnesota Solvation Database...DCN-194: Floral resource diversity...DCN-198: Variation in carotenoid-containing retinal oil droplets ...DCN-199: Individualized anodal transcranial direct current stimulation...DCN-200: World Values Survey and World Bank Data for measuring perceptions...DCN-202: Dataset derived from 2014 National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey...DCN-203: Lipid Vesicle-Coated Complex...DCN-207: Ammonia volatilization from composting...DCN-208: Confluence Density Effects...DCN-215: UofM pouch cell voltage...DCN-217: A semi-automated method for estimating Adelie penguin colony abundance...DCN-218: Cuticular and Glandular Chemistry...DCN-219: Egress Behavior from Select...DCN-222: A Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty...DCN-225: Planetary-scale Wave Impacts...DCN-226: Winter Roost Selection...DCN-227: High-speed X-ray videos and position data...DCN-231: Prebiotically-relevant low polyion multivalency...DCN-234: Impact of wet-dry cycling...DCN-235: Within-host mechanisms of immune regulation...DCN-238: IFSM raw data...DCN-242: Ring-tailed lemurs...DCN-247: The integration of lidar and legacy datasets...DCN-250: Characterization of pubertal development of girls...DCN-251: Data for: An Examination of Data Reuse Practices...DCN-252: Data from Virtualized Hardware...DCN-253: Quantification of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data...DCN-255: Estimating agronomically relevant symbiotic...DCN-257: Evidence-Based Message Strategies to Increase Public Support...DCN-259: Ferric iron triggers greenalite formation...DCN-263: Canadian Cordillera Fault...DCN-268: Therapeutic frequency profile...DCN-271: Framework for selecting seeding rates for cover crop...DCN-277: Neural Basis of Acoustic Species...DCN-288: Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN...DCN-290: Terrestrial gastropod collection ...DCN-292: A climate-driven epidemiological model...DCN-293: Time-lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images...DCN-296: Data and analysis code for "Capturing High Resolution Plant Movement...."DCN-297: Mechanisms of punctuated vision...DCN-298: Data and MATLAB Code for Standardized...DCN-310: The behavior of carboxylated and hydroxylated...DCN-311: Structure and Density of Silicon Carbide to 1.5 TPa...DCN-314: Interspecific Interactions between Sympatric ApesDCN-315: Improved PUFA...DCN-319: Data and scripts accompanying: Localized orbital scaling...DCN-323: Data for Spin-selective tunneling ...DCN-328: Data from: Initial nucleation of metastable γ -Ga2O3DCN-334: Data and code from: Deeper habitats and cooler temperatures...DCN-335: Human Challenge study...DCN-336: Data deposit of algal growth data and aqueous chemistry...DCN-338: Single-cell and Subcellular Analysis...DCN-339: Quantification of carbonates, oxychlorines...DCN-341: Room-Temperature Valence Transition...DCN-343: Data from: Aedes albopictus...DCN-348: Reflectance spectra and related water...DCN-349: Supporting data for Regiospecific and Linear...DCN-351: Recombinant production of a diffusible signal...DCN-353: Dataset: Ocean-bottom P and S arrival waveform...DCN-355: Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on...DCN-359: Experimental data of log jam-induced...DCN-374: Data from: Liming and spring salamander...DCN-382: Grain Growth in Olivine...DCN-393: Datasets to simulate data-driven models...DCN-408: Data and Code for "Modeling Water and Sediment..."DCN-409: The role of landscape factors in bumble bee...DCN-416: Data for paper "3D Concrete Printing of Self-Supported..."DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...DCN-422: Data and script from: Maternal Care Leads...DCN-427: Southern Minnesota Rural Transit...DCN-437: Raw Data for Mechanical Damage...DCN-438: Nothing-on-Road Bridge...DCN-444: Data and Scripts from: Competitive social feedback...DCN-445: Data for: Arthropod interactions...DCN-452: Fluid infiltration in dry rock...