Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-409: The role of landscape factors in bumble bee...DCN-31: Mapping Tasmania’s cultural landscapes...DCN-45: Trans-National Conservation and Infrastructure...DCN-67: Land productivity and land availability for growing bioenergy crop...DCN-75: Terrestrial land-cover type richness...DCN-114: Detailed mapping of global human modification...DCN-127: Patterns of mosquito and arbovirus community composition...DCN-187: Changes in crater morphology...DCN-205: Carbon Opportunity Cost...DCN-208: Confluence Density Effects...DCN-214: Land suitability analysis tools...DCN-217: A semi-automated method for estimating Adelie penguin colony abundance...DCN-219: Egress Behavior from Select...DCN-225: Planetary-scale Wave Impacts...DCN-242: Ring-tailed lemurs...DCN-243: ALOS-2 SAR...DCN-247: The integration of lidar and legacy datasets...DCN-301: An Experimental Study of Drainage...DCN-302: Data from: Estimating dredge-induced...DCN-308: A Global Catalog of Volcanoes...DCN-330: Comparison of 3D structural metrics...DCN-333: West Nicaragua Upper-plate...DCN-357: Data associated with: The Maryland...DCN-399: Lava flow and vent shapefiles...DCN-408: Data and Code for "Modeling Water and Sediment..."DCN-419: Alaska North Slope coastal...DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...