Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-83: Micro CT Scans of Mouse BrainsDCN-98: Origin and role of the cerebrospinal fluid bidirectional flow...DCN-129: Formation of a three-phase spiral structure...DCN-147: Performance Summary Display Descriptions...DCN-171: CT Data of the partial cranium...DCN-203: Lipid Vesicle-Coated Complex...DCN-222: A Bayesian approach for predicting photogrammetric uncertainty...DCN-231: Prebiotically-relevant low polyion multivalency...DCN-232: Chemical Imaging of Retinal Pigment...DCN-288: Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN...DCN-293: Time-lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images...DCN-279: Data associated with publication: CGPart...DCN-355: Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on...DCN-394: Data from: Current-induced switching of thin film...DCN-418: Single-molecule tracking reveals dual...DCN-421: Regional Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered...DCN-425: Supporting Data for Ring-Opening Copolymerizations...DCN-437: Raw Data for Mechanical Damage...