Browse DCN-curated datasets by partner, subject area, discipline, data type, or software language (applicable to code and some statistical datasets). You can also browse visualizations of data curated by the DCN, including curator expertise. DCN-1: Entropically-driven macrolide polymerizations...DCN-2: Estimating densities of zebra mussels...DCN-3: Microfluidic long DNA sample preparation...DCN-4: RV Atlantis Ship DataDCN-7: Continuous Forest Inventory (1959-2014)...DCN-8: Territorial landscapes: incorporating density-dependence...DCN-10: APAL Coupling Study 2019DCN-12: Digitized fracture network data...DCN-14: Two- and Three-Dimensional Representations...DCN-17: Lithic Collection from the Early Upper Paleolithic Site...DCN-22: Simulating precusor steps for fibril formation…DCN-27: Influence of charge sequence...DCN-28: Scaled Hydrokinetic Turbine Array...DCN-30: SAM Filtering Pipeline (SFP)...DCN-32: The effect of spatial and temporal variability...DCN-35: SNP Genotyping Data...DCN-38: Simulations corroborate telegraph model...DCN-43: Multi-Gaussian Permeability Fields...DCN-49: Silver-ableC...DCN-50: Action current data...DCN-51: Individual-Based-Model...DCN-56: Extension distribution for DNA...DCN-57: Addressing Disparities in Physician Access...DCN-64/65: SNP data of 556 isolates...DCN-66: Geometries for Minnesota Database...DCN-68: CFD-AB User Manual...DCN-69: Robust, accurate, and efficient: quantum embedding...DCN-87: Membrane molecular crowding enhances MreB polymerization...DCN-93: Constraining invader dominance...DCN-99: Particle image velocimetry measurements...DCN-109: Data Sharing Readiness in Academic Institutions...DCN-110: UAV-based hyperspectral dataset...DCN-115: Validation of an automated shape-matching algorithm...DCN-128: Supporting data for Mobilization of antibiotic resistance...DCN-143: Sound Localization Data of 29 Participants in Bicycle Alarm Development Study...DCN-146: R Code and Output Supporting: Resampling-Based Methods for BiologistsDCN-151: Territoriality drives preemptive habitat selection in recovering wolves...DCN-153: Meta gene regulatory networks in maize...DCN-156: High-Resolution Analog of Time-Domain Phonon Spectroscopy...DCN-159: A Review of Literature Published in EMIP from 2005-2019DCN-161: Pilgrim 2020.1DCN-164: Tree-planting programs in Himachal Pradesh IndiaDCN-172: Fortran code for modeling the propagation of ULF waves...DCN-180: 16S RNA data for biofilm...DCN-182: 3D Printed Deformable Sensors...DCN-185: PMC Turbo image and lidar data...DCN-190: Minnesota Solvation Database...DCN-193: Origins of the suppression of fibril formation...DCN-194: Floral resource diversity...DCN-195: Maximum carbon assimilation model...DCN-199: Individualized anodal transcranial direct current stimulation...DCN-201: Symmetry Breaking in Particle-Forming...DCN-206: A Bounding Box Labeled Dataset of Underwater TrashDCN-210: Work on LaCoO3 using VASPDCN-230: Materials to re-create results of Austin et al...DCN-244: Automatic Detection of Occulted Hard X-ray Flares...DCN-246: Bedform tracking tool...DCN-261: Gonzalez 2021 tagged CO model archiveDCN-269: Simulation data for Adsorption...DCN-274: Code Updates of GEOS-Chem...DCN-277: Neural Basis of Acoustic Species...DCN-280: 1D SAXS indexing macro...DCN-281: Wigner-Seitz Cell generation...DCN-283: Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy...DCN-290: Terrestrial gastropod collection ...DCN-296: Data and analysis code for "Capturing High Resolution Plant Movement...."DCN-301: An Experimental Study of Drainage...DCN-306: ROCR Isoprene Retrievals ...DCN-312: A novel machine learning method for accelerated...DCN-316: Supporting Information for "Mechanism of Methanol Dehydration...DCN-320: Effects of spatial diffusion on nonequilibrium steady states ...DCN-324: High Fidelity GENETICS-AI RF...DCN-332: Strain effect on the ground-state crystal....DCN-340: Supporting Data for Polymeric...DCN-341: Room-Temperature Valence Transition...DCN-344: Numerical Model for the propagation...DCN-348: Reflectance spectra and related water...DCN-349: Supporting data for Regiospecific and Linear...DCN-359: Experimental data of log jam-induced...DCN-382: Grain Growth in Olivine...DCN-383: Data for "Gaming self-consistent field..."DCN-425: Supporting Data for Ring-Opening Copolymerizations...DCN-427: Southern Minnesota Rural Transit...DCN-429: CFD-AB fish swimming...DCN-432: Genetic Analysis of Wild and Cultivated Populations...DCN-452: Fluid infiltration in dry rock...