Press, news coverage, and citations about the Data Curation Network!
Curtin, L. et al. (2025) Best Practices for Data Submission in Generalist Repositories: A Checklist. Published by the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI).
Long, J. and Tvrdy, P. (2025) Repository & Open Science Access Portal – CoreTrustSeal Certification 2025-2028.
Zareef, M. et al. Systematic literature review of digital curation services in academic libraries (2001–2023): A global perspective. Journal of Information Science.
Llebot, Alcalá, and Anglada i de Ferrer. (2025) In Sharing We Trust. Taking Advantage of a Diverse Consortium to Build a Transparent Data Service in Catalonia. International Journal of Digital Curation.
Kreft, J. et al. Engaging Communities to Build a Culture of Data Mutualism with Limited Resources. in “Data Culture in Academic Libraries: A Practical Guide to Building Communities, Partnerships, and Collaborations”.
Martinez, R. and Tallman, N. (2024) Fostering Collaboration Between Research Libraries and Community Archives to Preserve the “Network of Mutuality.” iPRES 2024 Papers – International Conference on Digital Preservation.
Recker, J., Kleemola, M., L’Hours, H. (2024) Closing Gaps: A Model of Cumulative Curation and Preservation Levels for Trustworthy Digital Repositories. International Journal of Digital Curation.
Libraries hosts Summit for Academic Institutional Readiness in Data Sharing (STAIRS).University of Minnesota Libraries News and Events.
Wink, I. (2024). Back to Basics: Considering Categories of Data Services Consults. Journal of eScience Librarianship.
Vrachliotou, M. and Papatherodorou, C. (2024). Interoperability of Oral History Metadata: An Ontological Model. The Oral History Review.
LaPolla, F. W. Z., Milliken, G., & Gillespie, C. (2024). Attitudes on data reuse among internal medicine residents. Journal of the Medical Library Association.
Cofield, Sarah Rivers; Childs, S. Terry; and Majewski, Teresita. (2024) A Survey of How Archaeological Repositories Are Managing Digital Associated Records and Data. Published in Advances in Archaeological Practice.
Murillo, A.P., Yoon, A., Duncan, M., Thomas-Fennelly, A. (2024). Data Curation Competencies, Skill Sets, and Tools Analysis. Published in Wisdom, Well-Being, Win-Win. iConference 2024.
Minamiyama, Yasuyuki; Takeda, Hideaki; Hayashi, Masaharu; Asaoka, Makoto; Yamaji, Kazutsuna. (2024) A study on formalizing the knowledge of data curation activities across different fields. Published in PLoS ONE.
Oliver, Jeffrey; Rios, Fernando; Carini, Kiriann; and Ly, Chun. (2024) Data services at the academic library: a natural history of horses and unicorns. Published in the Journal of eScience Librarianship.
The Research Data Services Landscape at US and Canadian Higher Education Institutions. (2024) Ithaka S+R.
Habermann, Ted. (2024) Sustainable Connectivity in a Community Repository Published in Data Intelligence.
Long, Jesse. (2024) Integrating the DCN CURATE(D) Steps into the National Transportation Library’s (NTL) Workflow Published by the National Transportation Library.
Tvrdy, Peyton and Long, Jesse. (2024) National Transportation Library Datasets File Formats Dictionary Published by the National Transportation Library.
Bryant, Rebecca, Brian Lavoie, and Amanda K. Rinehart. (2023) Building Research Data Management Capacity: Case Studies In Strategic Library Collaboration. Published by OCLC research.
Farrell, Jessica. (2023) How to make data open? Stop overlooking librarians. Published in Nature.
Thielen, Joanna; Marsolek, Wanda; Narlock, Mikala. (2023) “Conceptualizing Slow Curation”. Journal of eScience Librarianship 12(2), e740.
Grace, Madina; Phegley, Lauren; Valade, Meg. (2023). Curating Audiovisual Data in Data Repositories Presented at 2023 Northeast Institutional Repository Day.
Harington, Robert. (2023). Chefs de Cuisine: Perspectives from Publishing’s Top Table — Charles Watkinson. Scholarly Kitchen.
Ossum Williamson, Peace. (2023). Developing a Centralized Hub for Research Data Services: Trainings and Resources in Health Sciences Contexts
Hoeberling, K. (2022). Beyond Original Intent: Environmental Data Stewardship for Diverse Uses.
See also: Full briefing
Campbell-Jensen, Allison. (Nov 18, 2022). Sharing stories about wrangling data. Continuum Magazine. University of Minnesota Libraries.
Brown, Ann. (Nov 8, 2021). University Libraries a part of national group to investigate true institutional cost of research data sharing. VTx. Virginia Tech.
Campbell-Jensen, Allison. (Aug 20, 2021). The growing Data Curation Network. The network helps faculty preserve and share their research data. Continuum Magazine. University of Minnesota Libraries.
Cooper A, Steeleworthy M, Paquette-Bigras È, Clary E, MacPherson E, Gillis L, Brodeur J. (Aug 11, 2021). Creating Guidance for Canadian Dataverse Curators: Portage Network’s Dataverse Curation Guide. Journal of eScience Librarianship 2021;10(3): e1201.
Choi AJ, Xin X. (Aug 11, 2021). Data Curation in Practice: Extract Tabular Data from PDF Files Using a Data Analytics Tool. Journal of eScience Librarianship 2021;10(3): e1209.
Samuel S, Moore M, Sheridan H, Sorensen C, Patterson B. (Aug 11, 2021). Touring a Data Curation Network Primer: A Focus on Neuroimaging Data. Journal of eScience Librarianship 2021;10(3): e1204.
Christopher Eaker. (Apr 16, 2021). The Curation Process Adds Value to Primary Research Data and is Key to its Usability. Against the Grain Vol. 33 No. 1.
Association of American Universities (AAU) and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). (Aug 6, 2021). Guide to Accelerate Public Access to Research Data. Washington, DC.
Danielle Cooper, Oya Y. Rieger, Roger C. Schonfeld. (Jan 6, 2021). Can Publishers Maintain Control of the Scholarly Record? The Scholarly Kitchen. .
Genevieve Milliken, Sarah Nguyen, Vicky Steeves. (2020). A Behavioral Approach to Understanding the Git Experience. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Mabry, Patricia Lombard, Xiaoran Yan, Valentin Pentchev, Robert Van Rennes, Stephanie Hernandez Mcgavin, and Jamie V. Wittenberg. CADRE: A Collaborative, Cloud-Based Solution for Big Bibliographic Data Research in Academic Libraries. Frontiers in Big Data 3 (2020): 42. DOI:
Calvert, Scout. (2020, August). Future Themes and Forecasts for Research Libraries and Emerging Technologies. Edited by Mary Lee Kennedy, Clifford Lynch, and John O’Brien. Association of Research Libraries, Coalition for Networked Information, and EDUCAUSE. DOI:
Lafferty-Hess, S., Rudder, J., Downey, M., Ivey, S., Darragh, J., & Kati, R. (2020). Conceptualizing Data Curation Activities Within Two Academic Libraries. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 8(1), eP2347. DOI:
Kennedy, Mary Lee and Clifford Lynch. (2020, July 10). A Case for Continued Strategic Investments by Research Libraries to Advance Research and Learning. ARL News.
UCSB Library. (2020, June 29). UCSB Library Joins Data Curation Network. UCSB Library News.
Clary, Erin, Brodeur, Jason, Wilson, Lee, Moon, Jeff, & Khair, Shahira. (2020, June 15). Conceptualizing a National Approach to Data Curation Services in Canada (Version 1). Zenodo.
Anna Nowogrodzki. (2020, June). Four tools that help researchers working in collaborations to see the big picture. Nature, 2020,
Benedetti, Allison; Boehme, Ginny; Caswell, Thomas R.; Denlinger, Kyle; Li, Yuan; McAllister, Alex D.; Quigley, Brian D.; Soehner, Catherine B.; Wang, Minglu; and Wesolek, Andrew J. (2020) 2020 Top Trends in Academic Libraries: A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education by the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee. College & Research Libraries News 81 (6).
Calvert, Scout and Mary Lee Kennedy. (2020, March) Emerging Technologies for Research and Learning: Interviews with Experts. Edited by Clifford Lynch and John O’Brien. Association of Research Libraries, Coalition for Networked Information, and EDUCAUSE.
Kennedy, Mary Lee. (2020, March 17). ARL Responds to US Office of Science and Technology Policy Request for Comments on Desirable Characteristics of Repositories. ARL News.
Goben, A., & Sandusky, R. (2020). Open data repositories: Current risks and opportunities. College & Research Libraries News, 81(2), 62. doi:
Springer, Rebecca. (2020, February 18). Progress in Biomedical Data Sharing: Headlines from the Recent NIH Workshop [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
O’Neil, Jill. (2020, January). An Interview with Cynthia Hudson-Vitale NISO I/O: Hypermedia. Retrieved from
Llebot C, Van Tuyl S. (2019, December 23). Peer Review of Research Data Submissions to ScholarsArchive@OSU: How can we improve the curation of research datasets to enhance reusability? Journal of eScience Librarianship 8(2): e1166. Retrieved from
Jetten, Mijke, Elsenga, Christina, Groot, Nynke de, Grootveld, Marjan, Karvovskaya, Lena, Ras, Marcel, … Verheul, Ingeborg. (2019, December 1). Dutch Data Curation Network. Report on the state of the art of data curation in the Netherlands and the feasiblity of creating a dedicated Dutch Data Curation Network /Een Nederlands netwerk voor datacuratie. Rapportage over de stand van zaken rond datacuratie in Nederland en de haalbaarheid van een speciaal datacuratienetwerk. (Version Final Version, December 2019). Zenodo.
M. Hahnel & D. Valen. (2019, November 1). How to (easily) extend the FAIRness of existing repositories. Data Intelligence 2(2020), 192–198. doi: 10.1162/dint_a_00041
Schonfeld, Roger C. (2019, October 14). Two Competing Visions for Research Data Sharing [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Schonfeld, Roger C. (2019, October 2). The Research Data Sharing Business Landscape [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Engebretson, M. (2019, August 30). Meeting the demand for data curation, preservation [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Data Dispatch: NYU Data Services News and Updates. (2019, August 7). NYU Libraries Joins the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Association of Research Libraries Scholars & Scholarship (2019, August 2). Data Curation Network Makes More Research Data Available to All [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Springer, R. (2019, July 29). Counting Data Librarians [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Hyndman, A. (2019, July 23). Figshare announces data repository partnership with the National Institutes of Health to store and reuse research data [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Cooper, D., & Springer, R. (2019, May 13). Data Communities: A New Model for Supporting STEM Data Sharing.
j.moore. (2019, May 2). WashU Joins the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Data Catalog Collaboration Project (2019, April 23). Learning from the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Downey, M. (2019, March 1). It Takes a Village to Curate Your Data: Duke Partners with the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Lavoie, B. (2019, February 6). RLP Research Data Management Interest Group: Acquiring RDM Services for Your Institution [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Jetten, M., Messelink, M. et al. (2019, January 28): Investigating a Dutch Data Curation Network. Retrieved from:
See also, RDA call Input wanted! Very brief questionnaire LCRDM on Data Curation Network
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. Open Science by Design: Realizing a Vision for 21st Century Research. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Berkowitz, E. (2018, October 30). Data Curation Network Hosts First Specialized Workshop [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Lafferty-Hess, Sophia, Julie Rudder, Moira Downey, Susan Ivey, and Jen Darragh. 2018. “Conceptualizing Data Curation Activities Within Two Academic Libraries.” LIS Scholarship Archive. May 30. doi:10.31229/”.
Skelton, V. (2018, May 17). Data Curation Network launched [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
University of Michigan Library news (2018, May 14). Data curation becomes shared endeavor [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Hull, E. (2018, April 17). Dryad to join launch of the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
University of Minnesota Libraries Continuum (2018, April 16). Launching the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
AAU-APLU Public Access Working Group. (2017). AAU-APLU Public Access Working Group Report and Recommendations. Retrieved from AAU:
Dunning, A. (2017, August 3). When Does Data Curation Take Place? The proposed Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
Agricultural Information Management Service (AIMS) (2016, June 13). The Data Curation Network: discussing and providing solutions for data issues in a collaborative way [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
University of Michigan Library announcements (2016, May 19). Introducing the Data Curation Network Project [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
University of Minnesota Libraries Continuum (2016, May 17). Introducing the Data Curation Network [Blog post]. Retrieved from:
jcmanson2 (2016, May 12). Imker to Lead Illinois Efforts in Multi-Institution Data Curation Network Funded by Sloan Foundation [Blog post]. Retrieved from: