DCN-400: WI-FI US…
Dataset citation “WI-FI US Children 2005-2020″ available from ScholarSphere at https://scholarsphere.psu.edu/resources/67b30a25-6f23-43b8-ba6f-6a3812db7cfe
DCN-314: Interspecific Interactions between Sympatric Apes
Dataset citation “Dynamic evolution of the mTHF gene family associated with primary metabolism in Archaea and Eukarya” available from Washington University in St. Louis at https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/data/100/
DCN-247: The integration of lidar and legacy datasets…
Dataset citation “The integration of lidar and legacy datasets provides improved explanations for the spatial patterning of shell rings in the American Southeast” available from Penn State ScholarSphere at https://doi.org/10.26207/7erq-3662.