DCN-425: Supporting Data for Ring-Opening Copolymerizations…
Dataset citation “Supporting Data for Ring-Opening Copolymerizations of a CO2-derived δ-Valerolactone with ε-Caprolactone and L-Lactide” available from the Data Repository at the University of Minnesota (DRUM) at https://doi.org/10.13020/cnxb-m954
DCN-383: Data for “Gaming self-consistent field…”
Dataset citation “Data for “Gaming self-consistent field theory: Generative block polymer phase discovery”” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/qv23-pp07
DCN-269: Simulation data for Adsorption…
Dataset citation “Simulation data for “Adsorption of Charge Sequence-Specific Polydisperse Polyelectrolytes”” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/RBJQ-NN61
DCN-298: Data and MATLAB Code for Standardized…
Dataset citation “Data associated with the publication: Standardized excitable elements for scalable engineering of far-from-equilibrium chemical networks” available from Johns Hopkins University at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-022-01001-3
DCN-340: Supporting Data for Polymeric…
Dataset citation “Supporting data for Polymeric Microcapsules as Robust Mimics of Emulsion Liquid Membranes for Selective Ion Separations” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/8wyz-xv68
DCN-341: Room-Temperature Valence Transition…
Dataset citation “Room-Temperature Valence Transition in a Strain-Tuned Perovskite Oxide” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/7wff-1y61