DCN-452: Fluid infiltration in dry rock…
Dataset citation “Fluid infiltration in dry rock and its hydrogeological implications,” available from Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/6k4e-mn25.
DCN-427: Southern Minnesota Rural Transit…
Dataset citation “Southern Minnesota Rural Transit Origin, Destination, and Reservation Data.” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM) at https://doi.org/10.13020/yhg3-qh31.
DCN-438: Nothing-on-Road Bridge…
Dataset citation “Nothing-on-Road Bridge-Weigh-In-Motion (NOR-BWIM) Dataset” available from the Virginia Tech Data Repository at https://doi.org/10.7294/26880898.v1.
DCN-355: Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on…
Dataset citation “Data Associated with Influence of Geotechnical Properties on Sediment Dynamics, Erodibility, and Geomorphodynamics in Coastal Environments Based on Field Measurements” available from VTechData at https://doi.org/10.7294/22329502
DCN-359: Experimental data of log jam-induced…
Dataset citation “Experimental data of log jam-induced hyporheic flow experiment in Ecoflume of St. Anthony Falls Laboratory on 2022″ available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/57f0-r060
DCN-348: Reflectance spectra and related water…
Dataset citation “Reflectance spectra and related water quality and color data from 325 Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes and rivers” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/1c2h-te39