DCN-467: Data and scripts from: An abundant non-native freshwater….
Dataset citation “Data and scripts from: An abundant non-native freshwater copepod, Arctodiaptomus dorsalis, on the Island of Hawai′i: distribution, dominance, dispersal, and diapause.” available from Cornell eCommons at https://hdl.handle.net/1813/116719.
DCN-334: Data and code from: Deeper habitats and cooler temperatures…
Dataset citation “Data and code from: Deeper habitats and cooler temperatures moderate a climate-driven disease in an essential marine habitat” available from Cornell University at https://doi.org/10.7298/6ybh-w566
DCN-305: Hudson River Project Website…
Dataset citation “Hudson River Project Website” available from Cornell University through Archive-It at https://wayback.archive-it.org/2566/20211018165451/http:/www.eeb.cornell.edu/howarth/web/HudsonRiverBasinProjects_home.html.
DCN-290: Terrestrial gastropod collection …
Dataset citation “Terrestrial gastropod collection data taken during an experiment co-grazing goats with waterfowl at UMN’s Rosemount Research and Outreach Center” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/pz48-e352
DCN-288: Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN…
Dataset citation ‘Batch-Mask: An automated Mask R-CNN workflow to isolate non-standard biological specimens for color pattern analysis’ available from University of Michigan at https://doi.org/10.7302/3xwv-7n71.