Get to know Amy Ferguson, Special Programs Manager!

Hello! I’m Amy and I’m thrilled to join the Data Curation Network as the new Special Programs Manager, where I’ll divide my time between community management in the DCN and supporting the RADS Initiative. I’m a professional Dungeons and Dragons Game Master (I’ve been hired to GM birthday parties and teach/facilitate games for local middle…

Integrating the CURATE(D) Steps at the National Transportation Library’s (NTL)

The post was authored by Jesse Ann Long and Peyton Tvrdy of the National Transportation Library. This post was authored in Fall 2024. In June 2023 the National Transportation Library’s (NTL) Data Services Team incorporated the Data Curation Network’s CURATE(D) workflow into their data cataloging process. NTL is a sub-organization that exists within the Bureau…

New Topic-based Data Curation Primers in 2024 

Today we want to share three more new primers published by the DCN! This time, we have three on essential topics for data curators: an Accessibility Checklist, Data and Code Licensing, and OpenRefine Accessibility checklist Brandie Pullen, in collaboration with Rachel Woodbrook, authored this new checklist provides a quick-start approach to help data curators ensure…

New Format Data Curation Primers in 2024 

We’re excited to share three new data curation primers released by the Data Curation Network, focusing on critical formats and approaches in scientific and cultural data management: FITS (Flexible Image Transport System), TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), and Linked Data. FITS: The Astronomical Data Standard The FITS primer, developed by Lubov McKone, Robyn DeRocchis, and…


Indigenous data in an institutional repository: First steps toward putting the CARE Principles into practice

This post is authored by Alicia Zuniga, Wanda Marsolek, and Shanda Hunt. Background The Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM) is an open access, curated data repository for UMN affiliates to share digital data for long-term access and reuse. DRUM launched in 2014; ten years and over one thousand submissions later, we continue…

Curating for data rescue

This recent federal agency changes and confusion over access to federally funded research, including the removal of access to data, alteration of existing datasets, and the removal and alteration of documentation, reaffirms the Data Curation Network’s dedication to data curation and preservation. We are grateful for the time and energy of our colleagues across the…

DCN Releases 2024 Annual Report

Today we release our 2024 Annual Report. As with previous years, our community continued to show up for one another through shared curation, educational opportunities, and cross-institutional collaboration.  This year, we welcomed six new institutional members, including five through the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)-led, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)-funded Realities of Academic…

DCN joins World Data System

In December 2024, the Data Curation Network became a Network member of the World Data System (WDS). 🎉 The WDS, through the International Program Office (IPO) and International Technology Office (ITO), connects generalist, disciplinary, and institutional repositories, researchers, and organizations around the world, all committed to ensuring FAIR data. Through its resources, such as metadata…


Reflecting on developing specialized curricula for data curation and making it open

This post was authored by Seth Erickson (UCSB), Neggin Keshavarzian (Princeton), Sophia Lafferty-Hess (Duke), Wanda Marsolek (Minnesota), and Jennifer Moore (WashU) In 2022, the Data Curation Network received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for the project “Developing Specialized Data Curation Training to Address Needed Expertise in Focused Areas” [RE-252343-OLS-22]….