The DCN developed a standardized set of C-U-R-A-T-E-D steps and checklists to ensure that all datasets submitted to the Network receive consistent treatment (DCN, 2018). The CURATE(D) Checklist was drafted in the planning phase of the project and further enhanced by members of the DCN at the First Annual All Hands Meeting in July, 2018 (view version 1). The CURATE(D) steps were revised in 2022 by numerous members of the DCN.
CCheck files/code and read documentation (risk mitigation, file inventory, appraisal/selection) – checklist
UUnderstand the data (or try to), if not… (run files/code, QA/QC issues, readmes) – checklist
RRequest missing information or changes (tracking provenance of any changes and why) – checklist
AAugment metadata for findability (DOIs, metadata standards, discoverability) – checklist
TTransform file formats for reuse (data preservation, conversion tools, data visualization) – checklist
EEvaluate for FAIRness (transparent usage licenses, responsibility standards, metrics for tracking use) – checklist
DDocument all curation activities throughout the process – checklist