DCN-395: Soil temperature across an urbanization…
Dataset citation “Soil temperature across an urbanization gradient in St. Louis, MO” available from WashU Research Data Repository at https://doi.org/10.7936/6rxs-103655.
DCN-301: An Experimental Study of Drainage…
Dataset citation “An Experimental Study of Drainage Network Development by Surface and Subsurface Flow in Low-Gradient Landscapes Raster Datasets” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/7a27-tg76
DCN-315: Improved PUFA…
Dataset citation “Improved PUFA Study” available from Washington University in St. Louis at https://doi.org/10.7936/2gbq-sw26
DCN-336: Data deposit of algal growth data and aqueous chemistry…
Dataset citation “Data deposit of algal growth data and aqueous chemistry data during mineral-hydogel composite treatment for “Mineral-Hydrogel Composites for Mitigating Harmful Algal Bloom and Supplying Phosphorous for Photo-biorefineries”” available from the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.7936/my3p-cy78
DCN-339: Quantification of carbonates, oxychlorines…
Dataset citation “Quantification of carbonates, oxychlorines, and chlorine generated by heterogeneous electrochemistry induced by Martian dust activity” available from Washington University in St. Louis at https://doi.org/10.7936/b3ps-em15
DCN-308: A Global Catalog of Volcanoes…
Dataset citation “A Global Catalog of Volcanoes and Shield Fields on Venus” available from Washington University in St. Louis at https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/data/98/
DCN-314: Interspecific Interactions between Sympatric Apes
Dataset citation “Dynamic evolution of the mTHF gene family associated with primary metabolism in Archaea and Eukarya” available from Washington University in St. Louis at https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/data/100/
DCN-252: Data from Virtualized Hardware…
Dataset citation “Data from Virtualized Hardware Logic Computations” available from Washington University Open Scholarship at doi:10.7936/46pb-xw44.