Today’s Ingredients
- Portage Network’s Dataverse Curation Guide
- Active Curation of Large Longitudinal Surveys
- Data Curation through Catalogs
What is Data Soup?
So glad you asked! Data Soup is a collaboration between the Journal of eScience Librarianship (JeSLIB) and the Data Curation Network to host a series of community focused webinars/discussions to exchange practices for curating research data of different formats or subject areas among data curators.
In honesty the series has nothing to do with soup, we just liked the name. But you can have lunch or a snack in front of your computer while listening in.
Who can attend Data Soup?
Anyone who has an interest in curating research data and wants to share their expertise or sit back and learn from others.
When’s the Soup on?
Thursday, December 16, 2021
12:00pm Noon Eastern Standard Time
What’s in the pot for the meeting?
To kick things off we have the following lineup of speakers and topics from the recent JeSLIB Special Issue: Data Curation in Practice:
- Creating Guidance for Canadian Dataverse Curators: Portage Network’s Dataverse Curation Guide Alexandra Cooper, Michael Steeleworthy, Ève Paquette-Bigras, Erin Clary, Erin MacPherson, Louise Gillis, and Jason Brodeur
- Active Curation of Large Longitudinal Surveys: A Case Study Inna Kouper, Karen L. Tucker, Kevin Tharp, Mary Ellen van Booven, and Ashley Clark https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2021.1210
- Data Curation through Catalogs: A Repository-Independent Model for Data Discovery Helenmary Sheridan, Anthony J. Dellureficio, Melissa A. Ratajeski, Sara Mannheimer, and Terrie R. Wheeler https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2021.1203
How do I register?
Fill out this registration form (CLOSED) and we will send out information on how to join.
We also plan to record this Soup session and make it available on the JeSLIB website for people who cannot attend “in-person”.
Update January 2022: Recording now available on the JeSLIB website.
How do I dish out my own data curation expertise?
Fill out this expression of interest and we will be in touch to schedule something!
Who are the sponsors?