The DCN is delighted to announce our newest sustaining member: Princeton University!

We are pleased to welcome new members from Princeton: Wind Cowles, Matt Chandler, and Neggin Keshavarzian.

Wind Cowles will serve on the Governing Board as the institutional representative. Wind has been an active participant in the DCN, as she attended a 2019 CURATE(D) workshop at Washington University, St. Louis, and coauthored the Oral History Interviews Data Curation Primer. Wind is the Director of Research Data and Open Scholarship and leads the Princeton Research Data Service (PRDS), which includes the repository service.

Meet Princeton curators!

Matt Chandler is a Research Data Management Specialist with the Princeton Research Data Service (PRDS). Matt has a background in computational social science and the humanities.

Neggin Keshavarzian is a Research Data Management Specialist with the Princeton Research Data Service (PRDS). Neggin has a background in neuroscience, psychology, and life sciences.

With this new addition, we now have 14 sustaining members in the Data Curation Network!

Learn more about participating in the Data Curation Network and review our membership tiers.

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