Dataset Digest for the Week of November 18 – 22

DCN-35: SNP Genotyping Data for the Barley Population in “Registration of the S2MET Barley Mapping Population for Multi-Environment Genomewide Selection”, a crop sciences code and genomics dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Valerie Collins and curated by Erin Clary. Although this was a good quality dataset, Erin had significant recommendations related to expanding documentation,…

Dataset Digest for the Week of November 11 – 15

DCN-49: Silver-ableC: a Silver extension for writing ableC specifications, a computer sciences code dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Wanda Marsolek and curated by Debra Fagan. Wanda submitted this dataset looking for both technical and disciplinary expertise, and Debra was a perfect match! Debra’s suggestions included creating additional documentation in the form of a…

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DCN helps to foster a Canadian data curation network

Last month, our friends Jay Brodeur (McMaster) and Lee Wilson (ACENET/Portage) from the Portage Network organized the first Canadian Data Curation Forum held at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario October 16-18, 2019. Cynthia Hudson Vitale and Lisa Johnston were invited to give a talk and share in this exciting development. We also taught a mini-workshop on…

Dataset Digest for the Week of October 28 – November 1

DCN-59: Verasonics Processing Test Data, a biomedical engineering MATLAB dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Sophia Lafferty-Hess and curated by Susan Borda. Sophia submitted this dataset looking for technical and disciplinary expertise, and Susan was the best fit! Susan reported that this was a good quality dataset, and her only recommendation was that the…

Dataset Digest for the Week of October 14 – 18

DCN-39: “Data repository for: In vitro evolution of herpes simplex virus 1(HSV-1)”, a biochemistry genomic dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Seth Erickson and curated by Sarah Wright. Seth submitted this dataset to the DCN for technical expertise and Sarah was the best fit. Sarah reported that this was a good-quality dataset and her…

Dataset Digest for the Week of October 7 – 11

DCN-57: “Data to Accompany the ‘Addressing Disparities in Physician Access to Information in Support of Evidence-based Practice’ Study”, a library and information science tabular dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Valerie Collins and curated for the DCN by Katie Wissel. Valerie submitted this dataset to the DCN for additional curation and review by a…