Dataset Digest for the Week of September 23 – 27

DCN-34: Seismograms of earthquake pairs in the injection experiment, a tabular earth sciences dataset, was submitted to the DCN by Rachel Woodbrook and curated by Wendy Kozlowski. Wendy’s recommendations for this dataset focused primarily on improving documentation, and due to Wendy’s expertise major curation actions were taken (files updated/added, metadata edited/added). For more information about…

Dataset Digest for the Week of September 16 – 20

DCN-50: Action current data for investigating the development and organization of GnRH neuron activity in mice, a neuronal dataset, was submitted by Rachel Woodbrook and curated by Seth Erickson and Susan Borda. Rachel submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for technical and disciplinary expertise. Seth was the best available match and was willing to…

Dataset Digest for the Week of September 2 – 6

DCN-32: Data for the manuscript: The effect of spatial and temporal variability in plant functional traits on ecohydrological processes in a desert shrubland: a model-data fusion approach, an earth sciences simulation (NetCDF) dataset, was submitted by Valerie Collins and curated for the DCN by Susan Borda. Valerie submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for technical…

Dataset Digest for the Week of August 26 – 30

DCN-44: Namelists and scripts from: Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Scaling Behavior of Orographic Wind and Moisture Fields in Atmospheric Models, a civil and environmental engineering code dataset, was submitted by Sophia Lafferty-Hess and curated for the DCN by Wendy Kozlowski. Sophia submitted this dataset to the network looking for disciplinary and technical (data type) expertise and Wendy was…

Dataset Digest for the Week of August 19 – 23

DCN-38: Data and code supporting: Simulations corroborate telegraph model predictions for the extension distributions of nanochannel confined DNA, a chemical engineering MATLAB code dataset, was submitted by Lisa Johnston and curated for the DCN by Seth Erickson.  Lisa submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for data/file type and disciplinary expertise. Seth was determined to be the best…

DCN Dataset Digest for the Week of August 11 – 16

DCN-37:  Metal pad instability in liquid metal batteries. animations of computed flow regimes, a mechanical engineering simulation dataset, was submitted by Rachel Woodbrook and curated for the DCN by Susan Borda. Rachel (University of Michigan) submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for the best curator fit based on technical and disciplinary expertise. Upon review it was determined…