
DCN Participates in OCLC Library Collaboration Research Project

The Data Curation Network has been selected as a case study on research data management collaboration as part of OCLC’s Library Collaboration in RDM series. The DCN joins Portage and the Texas Data Repository in this project. DCN members have volunteered their time to serve as interview participants to discuss both the history of the DCN…

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DCN Responds to Cultural Proficiencies For Racial Equity: A Framework

The members of the Racial Justice Working Group of the Data Curation Network (DCN) as well as other DCN volunteers collectively submitted feedback on the on the draft of “Cultural Proficiencies For Racial Equity: A Framework,” created by the Joint ALA/ARL Building Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity Framework Task Force. The following is an excerpt…

Welcome DCN Partner: Washington University in St. Louis

The DCN is delighted to announce our newest sustaining member, and one of the founding members of the DCN: Washington University in St. Louis! We are pleased to welcome new members from WashU, Jennifer Moore and Dr. Dorris Scott. Jennifer Moore will serve on the Governing Board as the institutional representative. Jennifer has been involved…

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Data Curation Network releases new Strategic Framework 2022-2025

The Data Curation Network is proud to release our Strategic Framework (living document).  This three year “living” strategic framework outlines our vision for continued growth while further cementing our sustainability as a trusted and member-driven organization within the open research community. The Strategic Framework builds on the DCN’s Sustainability and Transition Plan (released Nov 2020),…

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Announcing the Participants in an NSF-Funded Incubation Workshop

As previously announced, the Data Curation Network is partnering Ithaka S+R to build sustainable “Data Communities” to facilitate data sharing and reuse. This spring, DCN representatives Jake Carlson, Joel Herndon, and Lisa Johnston and Ithaka S+R staff Dylan Ruediger and Danielle Cooper, will bring together a cohort of researchers and informational professionals for a two-day…