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DCN Hosts Data Curation Workshop

The IASSIST & Data Curation Network (DCN) hosted a Data Curation Workshop on December 11 & 12, 2017 at Washington University in St. Louis, USA. Support from IASSIST, Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Minnesota, Cornell University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign brought together approximately 45 professionals to…

New DCN Partners: Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Dryad

After releasing our model for implementing the Data Curation Network this summer, the DCN team has been busy planning our next phase that will pilot and launch a cross-institutional staffing model for curating research data. We very excited that three additional institutions will join our cohort for this next step. Project team members include: Joel Herndon, Head…

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DCN Training Event Sponsored by IASSIST

Supporting researchers with data curation is an important role that information specialists aspire to fill as the workforce transforms to assume greater digital stewardship responsibilities. To address this need, the Data Curation Network partners are holding a data curation training workshop this December hosted by the Social Sciences Librarians at Washington University in St. Louis and generously…

DCN Team Presents Poster at RDAP Summit

The DCN team is looking forward to Research Data Management, Access, and Preservation (RDAP) Summit in Seattle, WA tomorrow! Many members of our team will be there and will present a poster on our shared staffing model for data curation services! See a sneak peak of our Poster “Bridging the Gaps of Providing and Scaling Research Data Curation Services” on the…

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Two reports released by the Data Curation Network Project!

The Data Curation Network project team released two new reports this week. The first shares the results of six focus group sessions with researchers on their perceptions, use, and barriers of data curation activities. In total we engaged 91 researchers from across our institutions U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Penn State, U of Illinois, U of…