Save the date: ARL SPEC Kit Survey on Data Curation Webinar Scheduled

The DCN Team is happy to have been selected as the first ARL survey of 2017 cycle! If you are at an ARL Institution, please check-in with your ARL liaison to be sure that your institution is represented in this survey on Data Curation Services. Responses are being accepted through January 31, 2017.  Please note…


What data curation activities are more important to researchers than others? We asked them…

The Data Curation Network held six focus groups in the fall of 2016 and asked 91 researchers from a wide variety of disciplines: how would you rate the “importance” of a variety of key data curation activities. Our preliminary results for the importance ranking of 35 data curation activities are presented in the table below….


New presentations uploaded

The DCN team has been busy presenting at conferences this fall. We are posting all slides and posters on our Publications page of the website.  More recently we presented some preliminary results of our researcher engagement activities on which data curation activities researchers value most. The full presentation to the Digital Library Federation meeting in Milwaukee, WI…


The DCN Community

Community is fundamental to the Data Curation Network (DCN). We are librarians, curators, and archivists who strongly believe that as a community we can leverage our distributed curation or domain expertise to enhance and curate the research data being created at our institutions. To achieve a shared staffing model for the curation of datasets, the…

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Launching the Data Curation Network

Introducing the Data Curation Network project Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant will fund development of shared model across 6 academic libraries In an effort to improve researcher support, the University of Minnesota Libraries will lead efforts to develop a network for sharing data curation resources and staff across six major academic libraries. The one-year project…