DCN-292: A climate-driven epidemiological model…
Dataset citation “A climate-driven epidemiological model for fungal diseases in fruit orchards” available from Penn State’s ScholarSphere at doi.org/10.26207/2bwb-nw64.
Dataset citation “A climate-driven epidemiological model for fungal diseases in fruit orchards” available from Penn State’s ScholarSphere at doi.org/10.26207/2bwb-nw64.
Dataset citation “Unbiased inference of the fitness landscape ruggedness from imprecise fitness estimates” available from Deep Blue Data at https://doi.org/10.7302/0kzc-az82.
Dataset citation “Data supporting ‘Neural Basis of Acoustic Species Recognition in a Cryptic Species Complex’” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/6c7h-4b35.
Dataset citation “Geospatial Data: Carbon Opportunity Cost of Animal-Sourced Food Production on Land” available from at https://doi.org/10.17609/q5pe-7r68.
Dataset citation “Maximum carbon assimilation model for understory wood plants growing at Bagley Nature Area in Duluth, MN” available from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota at https://doi.org/10.13020/t9bg-vr86.