DCN-38: Data and code supporting: Simulations corroborate telegraph model predictions for the extension distributions of nanochannel confined DNA, a chemical engineering MATLAB code dataset, was submitted by Lisa Johnston and curated for the DCN by Seth Erickson

Lisa submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for data/file type and disciplinary expertise. Seth was determined to be the best fit, and he was available to accept the assignment. 

Due to Seth’s expertise, major curation actions were taken (files updated/added, metadata updated/added). Seth recommended updates to some for the MATLAB files, as well as changes to and expansion of the documentation. The author accepted all of Seth’s recommendations and made all of the suggested changes. 

Thank you Seth and Lisa! For more information about this dataset click on the linked dataset identifier above.

DCN-42: Data from: Primary blast wave protection in combat helmet design: a historical comparison between present data and World War I, a tabular biomedical engineering dataset, was submitted by Jen Darragh and curated for the DCN by Hoa Luong.

Jen submitted this dataset looking for a curator with the necessary expertise and availability to curate this dataset.

Due to Hoa’s expertise, major curation actions were taken (files updated/added, metadata updated/added). Hoa recommended multiple changes and additions to the documentation. The author accepted Hoa’s recommendations and made all of the suggested changes. 

Thank you Jen and Hoa! For more information about this dataset click on the linked dataset identifier above.

DCN-43: Multi-Gaussian Permeability Fields, an earth sciences tabular (MATLAB) dataset, was submitted by Lisa Johnston and curated for the DCN by Susan Borda.

Lisa submitted this dataset to the DCN looking for data/file type expertise. Susan was the best fit and was available to curate the dataset by the deadline.

Susan had only minimal recommendations for this dataset regarding documentation. Unfortunately, Susan’s suggestions were not accepted by the author, and as a result, only minimal curation actions (small metadata edits/additions) were taken. 

Thanks Susan and Lisa! For more information about this dataset click on the linked dataset identifier above.

The purpose of this Dataset Digest series of blog posts is to keep our followers informed and up to date on the curation activities of the DCN! These weekly updates will summarize datasets that have been curated by the network. Once a dataset is “finalized” (curation is complete, any necessary updates or changes have been made, and the dataset has been made publicly available via the local partner repository) we add it to our website and include it in our weekly digest. Thank you for following our progress!

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